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Showing posts from October, 2022
 We stayed very busy through the pandemic with family projects. Life seemed to slow down and speed up at the same time.  We are the proud new owners of 16 needle embroidery machines and are having a blast creating designs and stitching them out.  We have been asked by several people to do some small jobs.  We really enjoy the work and working together, so we have decided to officially create ElleCie Designs LLC.  We stitched out a lot of lace for a prom dress. It took two hours to stitch out one.  We needed six. We have made patches for the Walla Walla Sheriff's  Office. They had a community event, so we stitched out super hero patches for them.  We also stitched out pink badges to support cancer awareness. We stitched out aprons for Sue's Turkey Drive. The picture was designed by Sue's Grand-daughter. We have made patches for the high school girls tennis team. We have made numerous bags, which we have been told have too many pockets, but we respectfully disagree. Can you h